With this blog, you will be able to follow our learning journey throughout the year. Our challenge is to post regularly and frequently. We will also be using student blogs this year that you will find links to on the right hand side of this page over the next 2 or 3 weeks. (all going to plan) This is where each student will share their writing and personal learning with you individually...it will be like a travel log but about their journey in education :)
Please make sure you check your child's regularly once they are up and running, comment on their work (they secretly love this) and share with your family and friends. Think of it as an online version of student led conferences, in small chunks :) The expectation will be that each student will publish at least one entry per week. This might be an extract of writing, an explanation of what they are learning, something interesting they have learnt or discovered this week and photos of their learning.
Some housekeeping:
My aim is to keep in touch with you as much as possible. I know face to face is not always possible (we are all busy) so I can be contacted through
- email @ watkins@stjosephswhakatane.school.nz ,
- via our parent Facebook page.You will need to have a Facebook page to access this and you will need to ask to be invited as it is a closed group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/stjosephssnrs/
- via the homelink book
- via the office, or
- you are more than welcome to pop in to the class, usually before or after school is best.
Any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to re-acquainting with old faces and meeting new faces.
Wayne Atkins
I look forward to re-acquainting with old faces and meeting new faces.
Wayne Atkins